Fine Art Advisory & Appraisals

Art Community News & Events

Art Community News, Events & Showings


Community Notes

Highlights from recent art community news, events, and showings.

2018 Inprint Poets & Writers Ball

Tickets are now available for the 2018 Inprint Poets & Writers Ball! Attended by like-minded Houstonians recognizing the value of reading and creative writing, the evening includes lively readings, a talk by iconic travel and fiction writer Paul Theroux, book-themed table decorations, and engaging conversation with fellow literary enthusiasts. Stay after the gala for Postscript; drinks with writers at the Houstonian bar. 

Proceeds from the 2018 Inprint Poets & Writers Ball make possible Inprint’s low-cost or free literary performance activities for adults and children; writers workshops for the general public, senior citizens, K-12 teachers, veterans, healthcare providers, and more; and support for the nation’s top creative writing students in Houston.

Barthelme Art Advising